Coolest Star Wars Birthday Party Games

Star Wars Birthday Party Games

Here’s an awesome collection of Star Wars birthday party games, perfect for throwing the coolest ever Star Wars theme party.  Jedi Training Course Here’s one of those Star Wars birthday party games you can play right when all the kids arrive, they must go through this training course to become a Jedi! The best way to set … Read more

Coolest Star Wars Birthday Party

Star Wars Party Ideas

You don’t need the powers of THE FORCE to create a Star Wars birthday party! First off, here are the coolest Star Wars party packs and party supply items available today: Star Wars Party Supplies at Birthday in a Box Star Wars Episode VII Party Supplies at Birthday in a Box Star Wars Rogue One … Read more

Jedi Skills Star Wars Activities

Once the guest came in there was a Jedi check in, which the child were issued a Jedi Robe and Light saber. If they didn’t come dressed as their favorite character, surprisingly most did come dressed up, even the adults. I copied and pasted the trial signs onto poster board and placed them around the … Read more

Lor’s Young Jedi Training Star Wars Party

Lor's Young Jedi Training Star Wars Party

My son’s 8th birthday was a young Jedi training Star Wars party. Since it was August, we enjoyed most of the party outdoors! As the boys arrived, each received a homemade light saber (half a pool noodle with a duct tape handle) to decorate using permanent markers. They were then taken outside to practice their … Read more

Coolest Lego Star Wars 6th Birthday Party

Coolest Lego Star Wars 6th Birthday Party

My son is a big Star Wars fan – though he enjoys characters from both sides (Empire & Rebel Legion). He is also a big Lego fan so we made his 6th birthday party a Lego Star Wars party. The invitations, decorations, games and food tried to incorporate all these elements. Star Wars Party Invitation … Read more

Coolest Star Wars Birthday Party Ideas

Coolest Star Wars Birthday Party Ideas

Our daughter was about 2.5 years old when my husband started watching Star Wars with her, thus began her obsession with Star Wars and the many things that come along with that. Her 4th Birthday was coming up fast, and when I asked her what she wanted, I knew the answer before she even told … Read more

Coolest Lego Star Wars 6th Birthday Party

Coolest Lego Star Wars 6th Birthday Party

My son Ashton was turning 6 on the 6th of January…so I wanted to plan a fun party for his special “golden” birthday. For the invitation, I used the photo editing site to add the graphics to my favorite recent picture of him, then printed them out in a 5 by 7 size. We … Read more

Star Wars Party Food Ideas

The party was mid-afternoon so we simply served snack foods and drink at the Mos Eisley Cantina: Pretzel Rods, Utz Cheese Balls, olives, strawberries and apples. We had a Yoda punch (lime sherbet w/Sprite) and Capri Sun bags. Cake: I personally find that a lot of kids don’t eat cake therefore I generally do something … Read more

Building a Lego Ship Star Wars Party Activity

Being a Lego Star Wars party our first game was Lego related. Guests were divided into teams of four or five kids. Then each team was given a Lego Star Wars character (my son already had these), an “official” document and a small bucket with some smaller Legos. They used this bucket to collect the … Read more

Building a Light Saber Star Wars Party Activity

We moved on to making light sabers. I found this idea online and improved upon it slightly: * 1 1/4″ PVC Pipe (each piece cut to 10 in) * 1 1/4″ PVC Pipe Caps * Pipe Insulation (each piece cut to 2 ft) Be sure to get the insulation that isn?t cut/split * 4 ft … Read more

Jedi Training Academy Star Wars Party Activity

Each child proceeded to the Jedi Training Academy to complete their training. Each cadet started by studying Balance – walking across elevated boards while wearing Yoda (my nephew had a stuffed Yoda) in a backpack. Then they had to Face Their Fears by crawling through a cardboard refrigerator box that was draped with black plastic … Read more

Star Wars Party Invitation Idea

The invitation was the scene from Empire Strikes Back where Darth Vader welcomes Hans Solo, Princess Leia and Lando Calrissian to dinner. I intended to build the white backdrop completely out of Legos but we didn’t have enough so I used my daughters Playmobil Castle. I did build the table and chairs out of Legos … Read more