Coolest Birthday Parties for Kids (Ages 5-7)

In this birthday parties for kids section, we’ve included all of our party themes suitable for the 5-7 age group. At these lovely ages kids start understanding how important and special birthdays can be. Depending on your child, they might even become more excited from planning the party than the event itself (it’s a good idea to have them involved in the planning, let them help create invitations and decorations, and choose their theme and games for their party).

Five-year-olds usually enjoy dramatic play and make-believe games, so it’s usually a good idea to have props around to let them make believe things that may fit the chosen party theme (scenes from Harry Potter, a pizza parlor, princess/tea party, knights at the round table, etc.).

Five-year-olds can start playing organized games, although some may have trouble taking turns, so it’s best to also have short games and group activities (like Hokey Pokey, Simon Says, Musical Chairs, Hot Potato, etc.).

Six and 7-year-olds are usually ready to play organized games and most likely have a well-developed sense of fairness. Children at this age usually know what they want and how they want (in regards to games, choosing the theme, etc.) – so it’s best to be attentive and listen to what they want and prefer.

At age six and seven they can already play games with rules like cards, some types of board games, hide and seek, tag, etc. For 5 and 6-year-olds it’s best to have ‘everyone wins’ type of games – try to avoid games that have just one winner. Try to play games that either more people or everyone wins somehow (for example ‘hit the piñata’ – everyone gets to hit the piñata and gets candies, or hiding prizes all over the party area and everyone gets to find a prize).

When it comes to 6 and 7-year-old birthday parties for kids, you can start having the party outside of the home (if desired). At this age they also like secrets and mysteries, so consider games that have simple puzzles and/or clues they have to figure out.

Birthday parties for kids aged 5 to 7 are usually around two to two and a half hours long. At these ages you can also have arts and crafts stations that are a bit more skillful than just finger painting (coloring pages, building simple things that could deal with the party theme, stringing beads, cutting out from magazines/newspapers, etc.).

For these ages, scavenger and treasure hunts can be great! It gets everyone together going from place to place, doing different missions together and at the end arriving to a big treasure that everyone gets to share from!

Kid Birthday Parties › Birthday Parties for Kids Ages 5-7

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